New Background

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Can somebody please pass me an emesis basin?

It hit me today. The small town feeling, that is. For those of you that do not know already, the "small town feeling" is most easily explained as:

1. something that causes GI upset (i.e. quitting your job and moving)


2. a feeling of isolation (i.e. quitting your job, moving, and leaving your friends and family)

Yesterday was my curtain call at the Heart Hospital, after wonderful five years. It is where my nursing care started and I refuse to let it be the place that it will also end. Once a nurse, always a nurse right? I will always over analyze any headache (brain tumor), menstrual cramp (pregnant!), or rash (necrotizing facitis). I know how to give a bed bath and shave an unconscious patient, how to make my sheets extra crisp, and how to shoot cardiac outputs with my eyes closed. I can run a code, tamponade a bleeder, and deal with a bitchy co-worker. However,the most important thing I will take away from my career is the compassion nurses are able to extend to others. Nothing can bring you to your knees like telling a family member "they didn't make it." I have learned that a back massage, hug, or converstation can soothe pain as easily as a Percocet. And that has made me a better person and will make me a better Nurse Anesthetist.

I am setting my stethoscope aside (for now) and trading it for my study skills. Then I remembered, I didn't have any of those as an under-grad. At least I can blame my sweaty hands on the Phoenix heat!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


You all know I am going to school to become a CRNA but you still may ask yourself, what is that?

Here is my final answer:

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Here is my moving to do list:

1. Buy a house (check! Final approval-April 6)

2. One last minute vacation (check!)

3. teach Rugby to behave like a civil animal ('s a work in progress. We are still consider suing the Marley and Me author for life infrigement plagerism...come on, how many dogs jump out of car windows in rush hour traffic?)

4. Begin learning all the names of every amino acid, ever...

5. Convince Aaron that, while Midwestern is a

"doctor school"

persay, I am a

"doctor nurse"

and he should hereby refer to me as

"Dr. Nurse Mrs. Ouellette Morrow."

6. Call U-Haul (check!)

Let the count down begin!

Meet the Morrow's

Once upon a time, lived a man and a woman. After a year and a half of togetherdom, the women threatened (err, highly suggested and encouraged) the man into holy matrimony. They were married September 5, 2008 and set off to create a history. Their journey has now left them settling into domestic bliss. They have a naughty puppy, a crazed cat, and the travel bug. This couple now sets out on a new adventure: graduate school and a move to a new city. This is our story...