Tomorrow will begin the 3-2-1 countdown
3-third to last test I will take (ever)*
2-pre-board exam
1-the only exam that will ever matter-my boards.
So, my goal, wrap this business up and focus on the light at the end of the tunnel. However, I'm left pondering how to focus on the light when I cannot grasp on to a moment of time to myself. I currently see the end as a free fall after coursing through some pretty treacherous canyon lands. Aaron and I have been twisted, turned, and sometimes thrown under water through our journey. The offer of stopping on some dry land is appealing but still in the distance. Should I be grateful that time is moving at light speed or horrified that I just can't keep up with myself?
The next six months I will be on my own. And for a person who got married so she could be legally clingy and dependant, I know I am going to have to put on some big girl pants and kick ass; I just always thought I'd have my side kicks cheering me on closer.
I should probably mention that no matter how bad it gets, I'm always smiling under my OR mask.

*This is a lie, I was researching doctorate programs instead of studying today
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