So, after 27 months of blood, sweat, and tears, all I have to show for it is this piece of paper:

I totally look hot in the picture though, right?!
For 27 months, I faithfully went to school and clinicals everyday to have my education summed up in about 50 minutes and 100 questions. I would say it was anti climatic but as the guy in the testing center handed me this glorious piece of paper, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with emotion. Tears started to stream down my face. Not the sexy kind either, the mascara streaked, sob-inducing kind.
It is finally over, the study sessions, the not living with my husband debacle, the disrespect that accompanies being a student. Complete!
I'd appreciate it I would only be addressed from here on out as Dr. Nurse Morgan, CRNA* (kidding**).
*not a real doctor, but I could play one on TV
**not kidding.